Erasmus plus Projekt ACT ECO - learn ecobuilding for all

Erasmus plus Projekt ACT ECO - learn ecobuilding for all

Smlouva/Contract: 2019-1-SK01-KA204-060788_zmluva

Schválený rozpočet/Approved budget: budget rozpocet

Trvaní projektu je 25 měsíců. Projekt začíná 01. 10. 2019 a končí 31. 10. 2021.

Partneři/ Partners:

ArTUR- Slovakia
Sdruzeni hlineneho stavitelstvi z.s. -- Czech Republic
Stredna odborna skola sluzieb a lesníctva -- Slovakia
asbn -- austrian strawbale network -- Austria

 ArTUR je koordinátorom prestižního/unikátního projektu KA2 -- STRATEGICKÉ PARTNERSTVÍ, kde na dosahnutí společných cílů spolupracuje 7 partnerů ze 4 krajin.

Ze SR jsou to kromě koordinátora ArTur partnerské organizace ŠIOV a SOŠ služeb a lesnictví z Banské Štiavnice. Z Rakouska, Čech a Francie jsou zapojeny organizace poskytující kurzy přírodního stavitelství.

Realizace projektu je naplánována na 25 měsíců a jedná se o spolupráci na inovacích v oblasti přírodního stavitelství jakož i přípravu na jejich šíření mezi veřejnost a odborné školy.

Přínos projektu - prezentovat praktické možnosti snižování uhlíkové stopy, emisí CO2 díky přírodnímu stavitestvu. Snaha posunout přírodní stavitelství do oficiálních struktur vzdělávání na odborných školách. Vytvoření a odzkoušení pilotních kurzů v e-learingové podobě - ​​jako nástroje na vzdělávání v této oblasti.

Plánované výstupy projektu:

kolekce dokumentů - učebních textů a videí, které budou k dispozici na EU platformě
3 typy online kurzů přírodního stavitelství (Slaměné stavitelství, Hliněné stavební techniky a Udržitelné stavitelství)
Kurzy budou mít dvě až tři úrovně, jedna méně rozsáhlá jako zdroj prvotních informací, druhý plný rozšiřující kurz, motivující zúčastnit se plného ECVET kurzu s certifikací. A druhý plný rozšiřující kurz.
Databázi poskytovatelů ECVET kurzů v oblasti přírodního stavitelství
3 x Newslettery pro cca 50 Slovenská SOŠ s informacemi o kurzech
Cíl 4 nadnárodních schůzek: dohody, tvorba kurzů, evalulácia, diskuse, přizpůsobení kurzu i formy - aby byla vhodná pro SOŠ.

Cieľ 2 tréningových podujatí pre zamestnancov partnerov: vyskúšať si ekostaviteľstvo a časť obsahu kurzov v praxi -- s cieľom zladiť sa na rovnakú myšlienkovú vlnu, vidieť kvalitu a spôsob výučby, vedieť to vyučovať, zaradiť do vyučovania + 2 absolventi tréningov/kurzu prírodného staviteľstva -- budú vedieť kvalitnejšie spolupracovať na tvorbe učebného materiálu.

Shrnutí projektu v Anglikém jazyce / Project summary in English:

The goal of ACT~ECO: Making eco building intellectual resources easily accessible and permanently available for a target group of the biggest possible scale -- using e-learning, digital networking and other state of the art technologies to disseminate information and facilitate education.

The background:
Buildings and construction together account for 36% of global final energy use and 39% of energy related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions when upstream power generation is included. The progress towards sustainable buildings is still not keeping up with an ever growing buildings sector and is constantly falling behind the goal of meeting global climate ambitions set forth in the Paris Agreement. Climate change is among the biggest challenges humanity has to face and everybody has to make decisions lowering CO2 emissions in private or professional life. Now that millions of young people worldwide are demonstrating for climate, we are obliged to take action and aim for the deepest possible impact of our endeavour. (Knowing that even bigger threat like extinction of species, air pollution, (micro) plastic etc. are also partially caused by the conventional building sector and could be partially remedied with eco building.)

7 project partners from 4 different EU countries:
The project partners ASBN from Austria, AsTerre from France, SHS from Czech rep., ArTUR from Slovakia have results from previous projects (Learn Earth, Pirate, STEP, JUMP!).
It’s true for all partners that they need their achievements to be applied in Europe as soon and as widely as possible through easily accessible, understandable, motivating and affordable tools. Global problems obviously need global solutions: intercultural/intergenerational education through all means and sectors possible, through lifelong learning but also through formal VET. In many countries, non governmental sector reacted faster to needs of society, also in training for sustainable constructions, therefore it is necessary to start cooperating with formal VET education to be able for society to start implementing sustainable solutions on all levels and sectors as soon as possible. The project is therefore cross sector and new partners are ŠIOV -- State Institute for VET and a VET school from Banská Štiavnica from Slovakia.

Description of activities and methodology: In the project we want to create the tools, three online courses, database and EU edu-platform ACT ECO in order to raise awareness, allow easy access and enhance training and job mobilities in EU in the field of sustainable building. We want to deliver all our previous results from projects together with new created results in this project in a more understandable way for everybody, widely accessible through free online courses at two levels:

1) attractive online short course for free (as starter), accessible for all different target groups, 2) theory for ECVET course in the topic of: SUSTAINABLE BUILDING ONLINE TRAINING (act~eco), STRAW BALE BUILDING ONLINE TRAINING (STEP online), EARTH BUILDING

Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 -- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 -- Strategic Partnerships for adult education FormId KA204-BAA391C7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00

ONLINE TRAINING (Learn Earth online), which will be accessible through European platform and database connecting all people with training and job mobilities in eco building sector, with possibility to build their career path in sustainable building.
During the projects the first stage will be to collect text and visual material for three online courses and to exchange training topics and skills between partners during two training events. Then we make selection and create two levels of online courses in all partner language mutations. At the end of the project we will try them with real life webinars with staff of partners to get feedback.

Along the way, multiplier events are planned in each country. The first (in Czech Republic) will show results of collections, the further three will take place at the end of the project disseminating actual results. During the project we plan various disseminating activities to other partners through our European networks to promote eco building in VET schools in all countries.

Results and impact of the project:
The finished online courses (and their updates as well as additional new courses) will be an encouraging step into making responsible choices in building activities, further influencing the career of adults and young students of VET schools. Organisations and VET schools will be able to join the partnership via three MoU, will be able to offer their courses and trainings and probably become hubs for job offers by ecobuilding companies. (DUAL education or practice for adult learners). The courses will inspire further education leading to ECVET certificates or EUROpass as well as job possibilities on EU market. They will further rise the awareness concerning the necessities for a change towards a truly sustainable society while also providing the means to act accordingly.
